A Match for the Ages

Oneeta lived in a tiny North Park apartment before passing away a few years back. Her photo and her character are iconic for ElderHelp as she graced the cover of our 2020 Annual Report and numerous publications. She and her volunteer Evelyn are everything that ElderHelp values.

Oneeta’s San Diego roots ran deep. Graduating from San Diego High School and attending City College. She proudly proclaimed herself as SDG&E’s first female ditch digger.  “I needed a job, and they needed ditch-diggers,” she laughingly told us.  “I took the assessment test and scored 100%.  They put me to work the next day.”  Oneeta says she was inspired by her grandmother, “She sacrificed for me and my brothers, and I never wanted to disappoint her.  She worked hard and expected us to do the same.”  Always seeking to better herself, Oneeta enlisted in the US Army and studied to be a Communications Specialist.  During the Vietnam War, when many men were called to action, Oneeta was commissioned to serve at the Pentagon.

But those days were long ago. Diagnosed with a rare lung disease, Oneeta struggled with mobility. Determined to stay in her home, Oneeta was referred to ElderHelp by a neighbor. She told us, “What I love about ElderHelp is that you let me make all the decisions.  You asked me what I needed. You didn’t tell me what you thought I needed. There’s a big difference.”

Oneeta was matched with Evelyn who, like many volunteers, became a dear friend. They were matched for almost 10 years before Oneeta passed away, but the connection is cherished as is the special photo of their lives together.

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