Candice Caufield
Buchalter, APC
Candice credits a charismatic neighbor, “Grandma Annie,” for sparking in her a love and appreciation of seniors. This neighbor, a babysitter for her and several neighborhood friends, often brought them to convalescent homes to entertain seniors who didn’t often have visitors. The arts and crafts, singing, and dancing she did with them brought both her, and them, considerable joy. It also impressed upon her the importance of making sure that seniors are heard, and seen.
A graduate of USD, Candice works in the labor and employment sector of the legal industry. Being involved in the justice system has opened her eyes to the challenges that come with aging. This former chair of our Philanthropy Committee and current Board Secretary is eager to tell the ElderHelp story to those who might help us expand our services to more vulnerable seniors. “By reaching out to people, and letting them know they are supported, we can build a healthier, more vibrant community.”
Candice’s days of dancing and singing for seniors as a child never really left her. She’s a huge fan of the performing arts, especially a great musical.