Sharing A Special Bond

Sharing A Special Bond

“I really don’t do that much,” shares the very humble Kristin Schwall.  But in fact, her one hour a week at the grocery store makes a world of difference to Eloise and her husband, Ron.  Eloise is blind, and Ron has a chronic health condition, so going to the grocery store is a risk and challenge....
ElderHelp Delivers Hope

ElderHelp Delivers Hope

“You just bring a bright sunshine to my heart,” shares Peter. “Things have been so hard through this pandemic, and I’m so worried about going out. And I don’t have to because of all the nutritious food ElderHelp delivers. I’m loving the frozen meals.” It’s important to Peter to eat healthy. He’s...
My Home is Where I Want to Be

My Home is Where I Want to Be

When Valerie moved to San Diego to be closer to her family, she hoped to find a new circle of friends. “But at 92, it’s not easy,” shares Valerie. “With the pandemic, it’s even harder.” But Valerie’s outlook is sunny thanks to ElderHelp. “With macular degeneration, I don’t drive any more, but...
Creating Cultural Connections

Creating Cultural Connections

This cultural couple came to San Diego more than 10 years ago to be near their daughter, who is a professor at UCSD. Born, raised, and educated in India, they both exhibit the gentle demeanor of their country. As sophisticated citizens of the world, they led prosperous lives on multiple...
Living Independently…with Dignity

Living Independently…with Dignity

Suzanne* called ElderHelp eight years ago needing rides to her grandson’s elementary school so she could volunteer. Our Seniors A Go Go drivers made sure she got to the school on time, and then she’d take the bus home. But everything changed when she slipped and fell last December. She injured her...
Opening her home…and her heart

Opening her home…and her heart

Jane has claimed San Diego as her home for almost all her life. But when you talk to her, you’ll hear some Tennessee, where she spent her entire childhood. Jane is a life scientist and a veterinarian. When Jane’s father died, she moved in with her mother to be a family caregiver, but balancing...