ElderHelp’s Carrie McClellan Named 2023 Public Health Champion by Live Well San Diego

Nominated by Aging & Independent Services, Carrie McClellan was honored today as a Public Health Champion for San Diego County. Kim Gallo of the County’s Aging & Adult Services shared these words: As ElderHelp’s Outreach manager, Carrie works tirelessly to serve the senior population, cultivates trusting relationships with senior service providers, educates and supports family caregivers, and finds and trains community volunteers. Carrie creates community awareness of ElderHelp’ s programs, and has played a significant role spearheading ElderHelp’s partnership partnership with Alzheimer’s San Diego. Carrie also supports many Aging & Independent Services initiatives, serving on the Age well Community Support Team and helping to advance Age Well goals throughout our county. Additionally, Carrie is an active contributor to the Caregiver Coalition, serving on the speaker’s bureau, conference planning and educational committees.

Carrie is a leader who never hesitates to step up to the plate. In the absence of a leader for SD County & East County Community Action Network, Carrie volunteered to facilitate the group and continues as interim facilitator. Carrie and her staff make it a priority to be involved with essential Aging and Independent Services trainings and activities, including Aging 101, training for homeless service providers, as well as the fraud prevention conference and resource fair. Throughout these activities, Carrie has positively impacted the lives of thousands of older adults in San Diego, but perhaps one of her most important contributions is the attitude of profound respect Carrie brings to her interactions with our senior population.

Carrie thinks of every senior as a leader and strives to treat every older adult with the utmost care, dignity, and respect. She sets an example for ElderHelp staff and volunteers and ensures that all community members are treated with compassion and support.

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