Feeling connected

He reached for my hand, and for 10 strong seconds, we connected. “I miss human touch,” he said. “I miss having someone to talk to. That’s why I appreciate ElderHelp. You give me a connection, and I need that. Everybody needs that.”

Mel recently celebrated his 90th birthday. On hand was his ElderHelp volunteer. “I really count Mel as a friend. Of course, I wanted to attend his birthday party! It’s humbling for me to be a part of his life. When you’re older, sometimes people treat you like you’re invisible. I think we owe it to people like Mel to treat them with dignity.”

An award-winning photographer, Mel now focuses on community activism. He’s committed to improving our planet. He humbly displays awards for public service, words of affirmation, and of course, birthday cards. “They’re reminders of hope for the world,” he smiles. “I know I’m very lucky to be here. I want to make it even better.”

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Click here to learn more about how you can help seniors.