I feel safe, and that’s good

​Her two-room apartment abounds with memories–collectibles, mementos, photos of happy times and sentimental reminders of loss. She grieves the recent death of her son. With declining vision, she had to give up her car. Yet Thalicia’s life is joyful. A music lover, she fills her days and her spirit watching performances from Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. She finds strength in her faith and her friends from ElderHelp.

EH: What does it mean to you to have ElderHelp in your life?

TL: It’s important to know that somebody cares. Everybody needs somebody, especially elders. They need somebody to know “I love you, I care, I’m thinking about you.”

EH: Do you ever get notes in your grocery deliveries?

TL: Oh, I love those notes! It brings more happiness in the heart, especially when people are lonely. Thank you to all who write them. That brings a little light in their life.

EH: What does it mean to you to be able to live independently in your home?

TL: It means a lot because I have my freedom to eat, to sleep, to get up, to do whatever I want. With the help of people like you, I feel very safe, and that’s good, because I have the control.

EH: How do your ElderHelp volunteers make you feel?

TL: You feel that you’re close to people. You care for people. They care for you. It’s good to know that you can have time for yourself and have that respect.

I’m blessed because I have some family. But they’re busy too. Some people have no family, so it’s more necessary. This group of people know that elders were young before. They know that they will be elders some day. They will prepare the way for themselves, and they make sure that lonely people, people in need are not abandoned.

EH: Why is ElderHelp important to you?

TL: Sometimes when everybody’s busy, I sit in here. I have my television. Sometimes somebody visits, sometimes nobody does. But I know that somebody cares. I know if I call you, you will be here. That’s important.

EH: What would you want to say to volunteers and people who support ElderHelp?

TL: Thank you! I would say they are doing the right thing. Love is a gift, and they believe in love. When you give something, the blessing you receive is more. It’s good to receive and to give.

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Click here to learn more about how you can help seniors.