Justin Weber
Senior VP, Front Porch
“For me, serving older adults is one of the most important things we can do, and I think we could do it better.” This is the “why” behind Justin Weber’s call to board service and the “why” behind his work at Front Porch Communities. “It comes down to connection and meaning,” shares Justin.
Justin’s passion for seniors started at a young age. “My mom instilled a strong work ethic in me. Determined that my teenage summers would be spent productively, she encouraged me to look around my neighborhood. There were a lot of older women, living alone, who needed help with yardwork. So at age 13, I started mowing lawns. My little business not only kept me out of trouble, it instilled in me an awareness about seniors that I carry with me today.”
Much of Justin’s professional career has been devoted to residential care for seniors, and he holds both an RCFE (Residential Care Facility for the Elderly) license as well as Nursing Home Administration license. As a board member for six years with Leading Age California and eight years with Nonprofit Management Solutions, Justin is committed to improving the professional community, but also giving back to the local community.
“My goal is to make an impact,” Justin tells us. “I want to help play out the vision where seniors have a solid, stable community to age the way they would like.”