Did you know that to simply get a ride to the doctor or have someone deliver
groceries can cost as much as $45 from a home care agency?

The Concierge Club provides comprehensive in-home solutions to address the growing health and social challenges that older adults and their families are facing. The Concierge Club offers help with the basic necessities of life through personal attention, meaningful engagement and coordinated programs and services.

A Member Care Coordinator will help connect a variety of services using caring staff, dedicated volunteers and our network of trusted providers.

Concierge Club Services

Concierge Club services are provided by caring volunteers. Each volunteer is vetted through a comprehensive process including an interview, training and orientation, Live Scan and DMV background checks and reference checks.

Volunteers provide a variety of high-quality services including:
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Friendly Visiting
  • Check-In Calls
  • Escorted Transportation
  • Trusted Referrals
  • Minor Home Repairs
  • Home Safety Inspections
  • Mail Sorting and Organization
  • Gardening
  • Pet Care
  • Plus Much More!


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“Autem pecus zelus metuo occuro imputo ut bis rusticus. Tation sino iusto sit euismod ulciscor a isti metuo occuro imputo.”


Volunteer Since 2004


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