Bryan Devore
Vice President
Devore Realty Group
“I have a reverence for older adults and what they have done for all of us,” shares Bryan Devore. “I feel a desire to honor them professionally and personally.” Launching a real estate career in 2003, Bryan found a niche that allowed him to balance work life with raising a young family. Early on, he met a colleague who was volunteering at Casa de Amparo, supporting at risk children. “I served on the PR Committee,” Bryan tells us, “My dad always served on boards, and I saw this as a way to apply my skillset.”
Fast forward to 2016 when Bryan saw an announcement about ElderHelp’s Essence of Life Awards event. Not knowing much about it, he bought a ticket and attended. “ElderHelp broadened my awareness about the needs of seniors, and I found a true passion for helping older adults—especially those who don’t have a support system.” In addition to serving as ElderHelp’s board Vice President, Bryan is actively involved as President of the San Diego County Council on Aging, Chair of the Encinitas Estate Planning Group Network, and committee member for the Aging Life Care Association.
“I’ve always had a knack for bringing people together,” Bryan tells us. “It provides an opportunity for impact on a larger scale. I believe in ElderHelp’s mission, and I believe in honoring seniors. Serving on ElderHelp’s board is a way to do that.”
Fun Fact: Bryan put his skillset into action as a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. Although he didn’t make it to the bonus round, his prowess as a puzzle solver has served him well.